A Glossary of Descriptive Psychology Concepts

What's this all about?

Social Practice

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  1. Social practices is a society's patterns of behavior. In general, the patterns includes more than one behavior, and most social practices involve behaviors on the part of more than one person.
  2. As social patterns of behavior, social practices are learnable, teachable, do-able, and paradigmatically, done. Every society at a given time has an organized set of social practices that constitute "what there is to do" for the members of the society.
  3. A person's participation in a social practice is intrinsic if
    1. the person is participating in that practice without an ulterior motive and without a further end in view and
    2. the particular behavior is engaged in without an ulterior motive and without a further end in view other than those which are part of the practice itself.
  4. Viewed as a process, social practices have stages, options, contingencies, and eligibilities. This process represents every Version of the social practice. Every social practice is done in one of the ways it can be done, that is, some version of the process takes place.

In any community, Social Practices are "what there is to do".

Social practices are patterns of behavior. They are built up from Intentional Actions, and for a given community, they characterize what is to be done in that community. For example within the farming community they would include: plowing, planting, fertilizing, irrigating, harvesting, etc.

Since an individual is a member of many communities, the totality of social practices of all her communities constitutes her behavioral repertoire.

A person may participate in more than one social practice simultaneously.