A Glossary of Descriptive Psychology Concepts

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  1. Any set of behaviors with a certain "object" (focus) that is in the value of the K parameter of that behavior.
  2. In addition, Interests are intrinsic.
  3. One of the Dispositions.

There is no single type of behavior specified, partly because an interest in something is generally shown through a variety (set) of different behaviors involving the object of interest, and partly because the set of such behaviors will differ with different objects. For example, an interest in golf can be shown by playing golf, by joining the golf association, by reading books on golf, by designing ideal golf courses, by reading biographies of famous golfers, and so on.

In this case, the word "object" is in quotes to separate it from the use of Object as one of the four basic reality concepts (OPESA). That is, it denotes a focus on something the person distinguishes (including objects). It does not require the person to focus on a material object and nothing else.