A Glossary of Descriptive Psychology Concepts


What's this all about?

Deliberate Action

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  1. A case of behavior in which we know what we're doing and are doing it on purpose.
  2. A form of behavior in which the individual behaving not merely knows that that is what he is doing, but also chooses to do it.
  3. The central concept of behavior—if there were no cases of this kind, there would be no cases of any kind.
  4. A form of behavior in which the person
    1. engages in an Intentional Action,
    2. knows that that is what he is doing, and
    3. has chosen to do that.

In Set-Theoretic Notation, this is shown as:

<B> =  <I, <B>, <B>, KH, P, A, PC, S>

In Diamond Notation, this is shown as: